Project Delivery Consulting Services

Without question, virtually every A|E|C business cares deeply about its projects and getting them “right”. PSMJ’s observation, from studying hundreds of design firms around the world, is that very few really know how to do all of the things that make that magical difference between a brilliant outcome and a “good” outcome.

The best firms DO know, and they turn out star performances on project after project. Under the four headings below, we look at some of the key aspects of how these firms do it – and how they recover when something goes wrong.


Winning Proposal Strategies

Thinking this might be a good time to rethink your proposal strategies? Looking to enter a new niche market, or change your marketing pitch? You’re not alone! Like it or not, the world of marketing is changing at warp speed. Get in front or be left behind. Those are your only options. Your elegant Portfolio of Pretty Pictures of Past Projects won’t cut it.

interface management

Bridges Interface Management

Bridges Interface Management reduces risk and cost through identification, tracking and minimisation of causes of delay. Bridges focuses on “hands-on” assistance in delivering four strategic objectives, when and as needed:

1. Eliminating ambiguity in all “instruments of service”;
2. identifying all “essential” actions, by all parties, that will optimise value, minimise risk, and maintain quality for end users and the public;
3. monitoring the performance of essential actions that are included in the agreements and contracts to ensure they are being performed; and
4. performing those essential actions not included in the agreements and contracts between parties: “filling in the gaps”.

risk management

Effective Risk Management

Of all the errors AEC professionals can make, avoiding risk at all costs is probably the most damaging to a business. Not all 4-letter words are bad! Exactly because so many competitors try to shield their firms from ALL risk creates an extraordinary competitive opportunity for those few firms that learn how to use risk to their advantage.

PSMJ’s deep experience and research in AEC business risk helps its clients to turn what appears to be a liability into a competitive advantage – and, paradoxically – actually lowering real risk by “buying into” manageable risk.

project rescue

Project Rescue

Sometimes projects “go south”, “belly up”, or otherwise become mired in catastrophe. Often, those closest to it do not see the coming train wreck, and just hope it will be all right in the end.

The causes are always complex and are usually founded in bad decisions made early in the project. The outcomes: Broken budgets, blown schedules, and unusable projects and/or lawsuits. Nobody’s fault, and everybody’s fault.

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