Harry, a certified PSMJ consultant, is a Principal at Melbourne architecture firm Hayball Pty Ltd. He has 18 years experience in the construction industry, having worked with many design and building firms as Architect and/or Project Manager. Harry is a past Lecturer and Chairman of the Academic Council at Oceania Polytechnic Institute of Education, where he graduated in the School of Architecture.

Harry is a firm believer in surrounding himself with talented people so as to immerse himself in the energy that collaborative creativity generates. His focus is guiding relationships with a positive outlook, and his target is to meet clients’ expectations and regularly exceed them. With a strong collaborative approach, Harry’s practice development efforts have in recent years focused on quality management and project review processes, change management, and the intricate dynamics related to successful team building – resource management. Harry shares with us what he’s learned about Human Resources.

Review Harry’s full C.V.

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