What Type of Architect Are You? A ‘Difficult’ Character?

Written by Charles Nelson - November 28, 2019

This means that about half of architects are Thinking rather than Feeling; Intuitive rather than Sensing, and Judging rather than Perceiving. And that, at least in the sample, 60% of them are Extroverts and 40% Introverts.

Architects’ clients (the general population) are much more likely to be ISFJ (introvert-sensing-feeling-judging) – 13.8%; ESFJ (extrovert-sensing-feeling-judging) – 12.5%; or ISTJ (introvert-sensing-thinking-judging) – 11.6%. In the US population, these three types together make up about 38% of the population.

Although ENTJ architects have useful strengths, Hurley suggests they may also have disadvantages:

Another common drawback of the ENTJ type is a go-it-alone attitude—a lack of empathy and an impatience with teamwork. ‘There’s an arrogance about an ENTJ, often,’ Gaarder observes. ‘It’s like, “Well, I know what’s best for this client.” Collaborative practice and team-based ‘design thinking’ may be all the rage in the profession right now, but clearly, they don’t come naturally to a great many architects, who’d rather present their own ideas for others to implement without discussion.

 “To make an enterprise truly collaborative, all architects—and ENTJs in particular—need to strive for self-awareness, so they can understand their limitations as well as their talents. ‘What do I do in groups? Am I listening? Am I really open?’ are a few of the questions that Gaarder suggests they ask themselves. In his leadership training sessions, he does an exercise in which participants plan a project, first by themselves and then as a team. “It takes three times as long to do it as a team, but they get a better product,” he notes.”

You can find Hurley’s complete article here.

Charles Nelson AIA, LFRAIA